Friday, October 26

P5 Math Practise Paper (Error - Q15)


For question 15, the answer should be option (3) 126 and not option (2) 132. I had overlooked on the fixed dimensions of the container. The working are as follow:-

Container --> 22cm by 18cm by 9cm
Cube --> 3cm by 3cm by 3cm

This means on the length side, the container can hold up to a maximum of 7 cubes (22cm divide by 3cm = 7R1). On the breadth side, it can hold up to 6 cubes (18cm divide by 3cm = 6). On the height, it can hold 3 layers of cubes (9cm divide by 3cm = 3).

Thus altogether there will be 3 layers of 42 cubes (7 x 6) which means the number of cubes that the container can hold is 3 x 42 = 126 cubes.

My apologies for this error.

P/S: I'll be emailing everyone about this post, in case they did not check this blog.

1 comment:

Mr Low said...

I'll be emailing all of you to the email account. The answer workings will also be printed and distributed to all on Monday.